Support Children’s Mental Health In The Age Of COVID-19 Epidemic

Support Children’s Mental Health In The Age Of COVID-19 Epidemic

What is something that is happening in this day and age? If you guessed mental health deterioration, you are right. We can see more news stories of violence taking place in Seattle, in New York City, Baltimore, San Francisco, and other areas.

We are aware of the general level of sadness present within the world today due to wars, droughts, famine, and rising costs of living.

At the same time, we also have those who are concerned about climate change, the future, and other matters. It is in this world that many people live today.

All of these problems happening at once can certainly create some strain and issues. The advent of COVID-19 has compounded issues.

Let’s see how it happened and how to support the young ones in this day and age.

Mental Health

COVID-19 Compounds Issues

COVID 19 allowed us to encounter various phases of life. It taught us how to face situations and deal with them through the best possible solutions.

Amongst all other age groups, children were also the most affected during this period. Most people were affected physically and faced health issues; some struggled through their mental health problems. Similarly, children’s mental health was also affected during COVID 19.

They were affected because of the government-level policies that required them to be in lockdown, isolation, and to have to conduct activities like wearing masks to slow the spread. These may seem like little requests but they can affect everybody.

Here are the ways through which we can support children’s mental health in the age of COVID 19.

Check How The Children Are Doing

Always check on how children are doing. As the children have been on an extended break, it might be challenging to adopt day-to-day activities or concentrate on studying. Hence, ask them about how they feel. In addition to this, adopt a less tiring or relaxing routine. Give them breaks from studies frequently or involve them in activities which refresh them, such as exercises or games.

Inform Them About the Pandemic

Children are already struggling with their mental health during the COVID 19 pandemic. Moreover, they are undoubtedly unaware of what is going on. Hence, use children-friendly material or resources which help them understand the pandemic. Guide them about the prevention and precautions and how this virus is dangerous.

Abstain from scaring them; instead, educate and inform them about the pandemic.

Listen To Children’s Concerns

The children have been in their houses during this whole time. Hence, they have been in a different mental state pre-pandemic. Ensure that you listen to their concerns, make them feel comfortable, develop empathy towards them, and enroll them in different activities. Involvement of children in multiple activities is essential as lockdown restricts them to homes. Hence, the habit of brainstorming, intellectual thinking, and using skills is dramatically reduced. To overcome the barrier, involve the children in activities that support these.

Tell Them That Changes Will Take Place

Children have been restricted to their homes and a consolidated environment during the pandemic, affecting their mental and physical health. Hence, to help them overcome the barrier and support mental health, we should adopt different methods mentioned above.

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